

Welcome to Legacy Country Goldens! Thanks for taking the time to stop by!

For a bit of history, my dog experiences go way back to when I was a small girl. My parents raised Shelties and Cocker Spaniels. We loved the puppies but it was a lot of work! My parents eventually sold all their dogs and we didn’t have a dog on the property for many years. When I was 18, my brother and I both bought our own Bernese Mountain Dog. I named her Lady and she was amazing although she loved to climb fences! My mom was researching dog breeds one day and came across the European Goldens. We loved their blocky, stocky builds and light color. We never had an American Golden but always heard they were great family dogs. We purchased our first Golden in 2010 and imported our first one in 2014. It was definitely a learning curve and a lot of trial and error. We worked with an amazing breeder in Michigan that helped us immensely. As of 2020 we had imported Golden's from Ukraine, Serbia and Russia.

When we got married in 2015 I brought a Golden with me. Since then 4 girls have joined our family. We have enjoyed raising puppies together. I won’t say its easy and live animals are never predictable but we are thankful to have this opportunity. It’s so rewarding to see all the happy families!

Kenrick does most of the dog care and whelping and Sharon the customer relations/vet care. The girls spend hours socializing and playing with the puppies. We all work together during the many hours it takes to keep things tidy and dogs/puppies healthy and happy!

Our goal is to bring you healthy, socialized puppies that will bring years of joy!



Family Photo 2023